Welcome to the Sundanese Wikisource
Hello, Kumincir, and also a ping to @Srijembarrahayu, @Akbar Soepadhi, @Dvnfit, @Apriadi ap, @Tyagita, @Sndap, @Pijri Paijar, @Hayati Mayang Arum, @Hasnanf, @Mirani Pramitasari, @Mnafisalmukhdi1, @Ships in the Starlight, @Raflinoer32 and @Bennylin.
Welcome to the Sundanese Wikisource! As you probably know, the wiki was created a few weeks ago, but unfortunately the importing of the content was delayed until now. I am happy to tell you, however, that all content has been imported here from the multilingual Wikisource now, so you can (and should) edit on this wiki instead.
Now, importing Wikisource editions is a bit tricky. I believe I have imported all pages from Category:Sunda, as well as single pages belonging to indexes that were in that category. However, there could be pages that I have missed – if you notice any, please let me know, and I will help import those too.
I have also chosen to import all templates and modules that were used in pages belonging to the Sundanese Wikisource. You may want to change some of them, e.g. to translate their contents or names into Sundanese, and to add or change what categories they belong to – I leave that up to you.
I also imported the page MediaWiki:Proofreadpage index template, but its labels need to be translated into Sundanese as well. A person with administrator rights needs to do that – right now I have those rights because of the importing, so I can help add translations to it for now.
The Main Page can also surely need an update.
Also, most pages are currently members of the category Sunda. Since we are on the Sundanese Wikisource, that category doesn't really make any sense. If you want to, I can help remove that category from pages using my bot.
If you need any help or have any questions, feel free to ask me any time!
Finally: Congratulations on your brand new Wikisource, and thank you very much for all your efforts that have brought us here! You've all done a great job so far, and I wish you the best of luck! Jon Harald Søby (obrolan) 29 Agustus 2023 18.57 (WIB)
- Dear @Jon Harald Søby
- Thank you very much for the great help & work.
- And yes, could you please run the bot to remove the category "Sunda" from all pages. Thank you - Kumincir (obrolan) 30 Agustus 2023 08.30 (WIB)
- Kang, bagaimana kalau meminta Jon untuk mengimpor templat-templat Wikisource dari id.ws? Nanti tinggal diadaptasi/diterjemahkan. Bennylin (obrolan) 31 Agustus 2023 23.27 (WIB)
- Silakan kalau sekiranya dibutuhkan Kumincir (obrolan) 1 Séptémber 2023 17.03 (WIB)
- Kang, bagaimana kalau meminta Jon untuk mengimpor templat-templat Wikisource dari id.ws? Nanti tinggal diadaptasi/diterjemahkan. Bennylin (obrolan) 31 Agustus 2023 23.27 (WIB)
- @Jon Harald Søby@Bennylin
- another thing is that apparently there are pages left behind because missed the category. What should we do to make the transfer efficient? Or should we move it manually? Kumincir (obrolan) 1 Séptémber 2023 17.42 (WIB)
- @Kumincir: If you just list them somewhere, e.g. here or on my user talk page, I will import those as well. 👍 If several pages from the same index are missing, just tell me the name of the index, and I will do all the pages. Jon Harald Søby (obrolan) 1 Séptémber 2023 18.38 (WIB)
Empty Index Page
- Hi Jon, @Akbar Soepadhi messaged me off-wiki asking why does indices such as https://su.wikisource.org/w/index.php?title=Ind%C3%A9ks:Dongeng-dongeng_Pieunteungeun.pdf&action=edit were empty, even though Index:Dongeng-dongeng_Pieunteungeun.pdf. I don't have the answer. Do you know why is that so? Bennylin (obrolan) 4 Séptémber 2023 23.58 (WIB)
- @Bennylin, @Jon Harald Søby, I just want to add, it seems like all the index pages here are also facing the same issue. Mutumanikam (obrolan) 12 Séptémber 2023 08.48 (WIB)
- @Bennylin, @Akbar Soepadhi: I think I have fixed it now, by creating MediaWiki:Proofreadpage index data config.json. However, the field labels need translation into Sundanese. Could you provide that? You can just put it here on this page, for example. Jon Harald Søby (obrolan) 13 Séptémber 2023 13.25 (WIB)
- @Jon Harald Søby Which part should we translate? Kumincir (obrolan) 13 Séptémber 2023 15.31 (WIB)
- @Kumincir: The parts that say "label" in each field on that page. (So "Title", "Author", "Translator", "Year of publication", etc.) Jon Harald Søby (obrolan) 13 Séptémber 2023 15.48 (WIB)
- @Kumincir: Oh, and the "values" under "Progress" too, so "Done", "To be validated", etc. Jon Harald Søby (obrolan) 13 Séptémber 2023 16.17 (WIB)
- @Jon Harald Søby, Hi Jon, the "labels" you need for the Sundanese translation are already provided in the list below. Mutumanikam (obrolan) 5 Oktober 2023 09.07 (WIB)
- @Kumincir: Oh, and the "values" under "Progress" too, so "Done", "To be validated", etc. Jon Harald Søby (obrolan) 13 Séptémber 2023 16.17 (WIB)
- @Kumincir: The parts that say "label" in each field on that page. (So "Title", "Author", "Translator", "Year of publication", etc.) Jon Harald Søby (obrolan) 13 Séptémber 2023 15.48 (WIB)
- @Jon Harald Søby Which part should we translate? Kumincir (obrolan) 13 Séptémber 2023 15.31 (WIB)
- @Bennylin, @Akbar Soepadhi: I think I have fixed it now, by creating MediaWiki:Proofreadpage index data config.json. However, the field labels need translation into Sundanese. Could you provide that? You can just put it here on this page, for example. Jon Harald Søby (obrolan) 13 Séptémber 2023 13.25 (WIB)
- @Bennylin, @Jon Harald Søby, I just want to add, it seems like all the index pages here are also facing the same issue. Mutumanikam (obrolan) 12 Séptémber 2023 08.48 (WIB)
"Judul": { "type": "string", "size": 1, "default": "", "label": "Judul", "help": "", "header": true, "data": "judul" }, "Panulis": { "type": "page", "size": 1, "default": "", "label": "Panulis", "help": "", "header": true, "data": "panulis" }, "Panarjamah": { "type": "page", "size": 1, "default": "", "label": "Panarjamah", "help": "", "header": false, "data": "panarjamah" }, "Éditor": { "type": "string", "size": 1, "default": "", "label": "Éditor", "help": "", "header": false, "data": "éditor" }, "Taun": { "type": "number", "size": 1, "default": "", "label": "Taun medal", "help": "", "header": true, "data": "taun" }, "Pamedal": { "type": "string", "size": 1, "default": "", "label": "Pamedal", "help": "", "header": true, "data": "pamedal" }, "Alamat": { "type": "string", "size": 1, "default": "", "label": "Alamat", "help": "", "header": true }, "Konci": { "type": "string", "size": 1, "default": "", "label": "Konci runtuy", "help": "", "header": false }, "Sumber": { "type": "string", "size": 1, "default": "", "label": "Sumber", "help": "", "header": false }, "Gambar": { "type": "string", "size": 1, "default": "", "label": "Gambar jilid", "help": "", "header": false }, "Kamajuan": { "type": "string", "size": 1, "default": "", "label": "Kamajuan", "help": "", "header": false, "values": { "T": "Anggeus", "V": "Palidasieun", "C": "Ujibacaeun", "MS": "Siap pikeun Dipaskeun \u0026 Diudarkeun", "OCR": "Butuh lapisan téks OCR", "X": "Sumber teu jejeg (éxtrak) atawa gabungan sababaraha sumber", "L": "Berkas sumber teu bener (kaca leungit, kaca ngacak, jsb)" } }, "Jilid": { "type": "string", "size": 5, "default": "", "label": "Jilid", "help": "", "header": false }, "Kaca": { "type": "string", "size": 20, "default": "\u003Cpagelist /\u003E", "label": "Kaca", "help": "", "header": false, "data": "daptarkaca" }, "Catetan": { "type": "string", "size": 10, "default": "", "label": "Catetan", "help": "", "header": true }, "Huhulu": { "type": "string", "size": 1, "default": "", "header": true, "hidden": true }, "Susuku": { "type": "string", "size": 1, "default": "", "header": true, "hidden": true }, "Lébar": { "type": "number", "size": 1, "default": "", "label": "Lébar pindai", "help": "", "header": true }, "Css": { "type": "string", "size": 1, "default": "", "label": "CSS pakéeun dina kaca", "help": "", "header": true }